Del Monte (BE)
Vosseschijnstraat, kaai 188, 2030 Antwerp
Del Monte France
Immeuble BELAÏA
7 Avenue de L’union – BP845
94549 Orly Aérogare Cedex
Service consommateur:
En cas de réclamation ou commentaire, merci de nous communiquer le numéro de lot et la date de péremption généralement situés sur le couvercle ou sur le dessous du produit.GERMANY,Marktheidenfeld
Del Monte (Germany) GmbH
Am Schlossfeld 6
D-97828 Marktheidenfeld
Tel: +49 (0) 9391 5070 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9391 5070 41GREECE,Larissa
Del Monte Hellas SA
12th KM of Larissa
Chalki Road
P.O. Box 1152
Phone +30 2410971968
Fax +30 2410971586ITALY,Assago
Del Monte Italy s.r.l.
Strada 1, Palazzo F4
20090 Assago MI
Telephone: +39.02.528133500
Fax: +39.02.52813.3222MONACO,Monte Carlo
Del Monte International GmbH
74 Boulevard D'Italie
98000 Monte Carlo
Phone +377-97-97-3800
Fax +377 93250184NETHERLANDS,Bleiswijk
Del Monte (Holland) B.V.
Klappolder 170,
2665MP, Bleiswijk,
Netherlands KVK 290 36144.
Phone +31-10-524-2222
Fax +31-10-521-9449
Del Monte (Poland) Sp. z o.o.
Lipska 8/L3, 30-721 Kraków
Phone: +48 12 390-7400PORTUGAL,Lisboa
Del Monte Portugal Lda
Edificio Atrium Saldanha
Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1 - 11o E/F
1050-094 Lisboa
Phone: +351 210 908 445RYSSLAND,Moscow
Del Monte Russia
Pokryshkina str.8, bld.3, office 2,
Moscow, Russia, 119602
Phone: +7 495 645 78 83
e-mail: dmrussia@freshdelmonte.comSPAIN,Barcelona
Del Monte Fresh Produce Spain SAU
Paseo Ferrocarril 335 – 2da Planta
08860 Castelldefels – Barcelona
Phone +34936476498UNITED KINGDOM,Wisbech
Del Monte (UK) Ltd
Weasenham Lane,
PE13 2RN
Telephone: 44-(0)1945-469300
For consumer complaint, please contact
National Poultry PLC
Head Office
Biader Wadi Al-Seir - Industrial Area
P.O. Box 140785 - Amman
11814 ALFA Buses after the Industrial Area
Phone 962-6-586-5081
Fax: 962-6-586-5085
Meat Plant
Al Qatraneh
Desert Road - 100Kms South Amman
Located on the Karak Exit Intersection
P.O. Box 140785 - Amman, 11814
Phone 962-3-239-4037
Fax 962-3-239-4060KENYA,Thika
Del Monte Kenya
Oloitiptip Road
01000 Thika
Phone 254-20-214-1561
Fax 254-20-214-1562SAUDI ARABIA,Jeddah
Del Monte Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd.
Jeddah Distribution Centre
Al Khorma -JeddahUNITED ARAB EMIRATES,Abu Dhabi
Pan Emirates Foods Distribution Co.
Shed No. 427
Free Port Area
Port Zayed
P.O. Box 44829
Abu Dhabi
Phone 971-2-673-2737
Fax 971-2-673-1191
Del Monte North America
Del Monte Fresh Produce
241 Sevilla Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134
Del Monte Central America
Corporacion de Desarrollo Agricola
Del Monte S.A. Edificio Del Monte
200 Metros al Este del Periodico La
Republica Barrio Tournon
San Jose, Costa Rica
Phone (506) 2212-9000
Fax (506) 2255-0158
Del Monte South America
Del Monte Fresh Produce (Chile) SA
Avda. Santa Maria 6300 - Vitacura
Santiago, Chile
Phone (562) 361-4600(562) 361-4600
Fax (562) 361-4658
Del Monte Asia
Del Monte Fresh Produce (HK) Ltd
Suites 2B - 3A, 17th Floor, Tower 5
China Hong Kong City
33 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Phone (852) 2723-7011
Fax (852) 2311-3187